Section 2
January, 2007
Noel Huntley, Ph.D.

In addition to 'qualitative' and 'quantitative' the concepts of function and structure give us another angle on this approach to identifying and evaluating intelligence, and a better grasp of the energy relationships from the point of view of control and responsibility. Thus function and structure could be modelled as the better starting point for the evaluation of modes of intelligence. Science makes no qualitative distinction between these states (function and structure), essentially because the input to the brain or mind is not considered intrinsically different from the mechanisms of the brain or mind. One of the subjective reasons for this is that the input function, when operating energy patterns of the mind, will fuse, become holistic with these structural patterns, forming one whole state. There is a potential feedback from the structure to the function, dictating to the function. Thus consciousness, without introspective training, cannot separate the two, and since structure has now moulded function, consciousness thinks it is structure---this is the state of science today. Thanks to mind-programming and education, the disabling of right-brain consciousness has led to the inability of the left brain to perceive that consciousness is moulded by structure---but isn't structure. In a nutshell: input consciousness or function creates structure, then structure feeds back information to consciousness.

Function, in its raw or nascent state, could be initially modelled as a blank slate (in terms of having no patterns of information; just an energy spectrum). There would be no rigidity, frameworks, restrictions, or any kind of limiting pattern, just complete flexibility, analogous to, say, a volume of fluid, such as water. In reality, however, this function, with its native awareness, would be given basic programmes, such as a framework to form a (separate) personality (from the collective), or to survive, to have instincts, or to have certain fundamental goals; all these would be archetypes. Thus the function (as the individual control centre) now projects energy to form new patterns (of intellect or skills) based on the fundamental and broad directives of these higher archetypes which precede any learning or existence. The developing structures (such as recordings) can be thought of like imprints, grooves, or a mould into which passes the infinitely flexible input, and moulding the latter, imprinting the information within the input. All learning is thus moulding the input---like water being poured into rigid templates. (Scientists are going to find that information is shape of energy plus frequency.)

In the theoretical extreme, intelligence characteristics will be quite different for function as opposed to structure. Function would relate to quality and would not have spacetime properties. It would (and could) only enter the spacetime domain of structure as quantum states---whole undivided (small or large) energy states. Structure would be of parts, or in the extreme minuteness, points of energy strung as linked-associations, or information coordinated together. It gives rise to external and objective characteristics. We see the possibility then that all intelligence modes could be a combination of different degrees of structure and function.

Now intelligence of certain activities, both skills and intellect will increase as structure acquires more information and feeds this back to the input function. On the other hand, intelligence will also depend on the opposite condition, the degree of free will function has. It is thus a different kind of intelligence: structure gives the quantitative, such as immediate specific information, and function gives the ability to put order into structure, to exercise imagination, cognition; to form the links. What happens if function is sufficiently subordinated to be permanently dictated to by feedback from structure?

It is possible to observe this condition (with practice) after one has been preoccupied with something and has executed a series of physical actions (such as walking somewhere or driving) quite automatically. Even in examples where there is no memory of the immediately prior experience, it is possible to cast back the full creative awareness (input function) reunite it with the memories and re-experience the automatic memory, now using the creative awareness. It will be found that, in fact, there was awareness of full details of the experience. But this will be found to be an automatic awareness, totally controlled by structure (habit patterns, etc.). Thus the experience of the animal level of consciousness will be essentially this automatic awareness in which instinct, etc. dominates. Animals are aware but not normally self-aware.

Thus there are two types of awareness or consciousness manifestations of function: 1) creative awareness and 2) automatic awareness. The first is highly aware and capable of developing and changing structure. The second occurs when function is engulfed by the information of structure and obeys it. In this case, if the 'volume' of (external) consciousness is low, such as in lowly creatures, there will be an automatic awareness with structure in control, or in the human example, the structures are sufficiently powerful and embedded to dominate the thinking and behaviour of the individual without the individual being aware of this. We can see again that structure relates to the quantitative (built up and made of parts), and function to qualitative (single quantum states).

We can deduce that free will, will tend to increase with creative awareness, which is also the amount of data or dimensions consciousness is spanning (this is meant at the most fundamental level of consciousness). Clearly, intelligence correlates with free will. We are not the product of predeterminism as postulated by earlier physics. But as we can see from the discussion above, free will and therefore intelligence increases with span of awareness (of information) and relates to the quality factor, function.

It is interesting to note that the materialist is not actually contradicted by this, since highly sophisticated mechanisms can still explain the above; for example, the altruistic impulse, which overrides self, could now simply be the new dominant stimulus based on a larger span of data. That 'selfish' self on limited data is a new self on the collective level of the greater data. Thus this is now the strongest stimulus. All that is happening here is that the materialistic interpretation in approaching infinite complexity is becoming close to its opposite viewpoint, a non-mechanistic, creative, spontaneous free will, since restrictions and boundaries are reducing towards the whole. This must be a basic form of intelligence: the degree of free will the person has, in terms of the amount of data they can accommodate at any one time with free choice (not dictated to by structure), with some ability to transcend their normal dimensional existence and tap into higher information (see Figure 2).

We can also see what is meant by moulding the mind. It is literal. In this case, the consciousness or function is under the automatic awareness since it is being ruled by structure and hidden contexts. This programmed condition will still manifest certain categories of intelligence but will be context-dependent (the product of our educational system is fairly typical of this). Structure is imprinting its pattern on function and controlling it even before it begins to think. Technically, the energy source of function is biased away from its ideal zero---like a scientific instrument which hasn't been zeroed. Thus this intelligence when evaluating something new or far-fetched will be useless---it makes a comparison between the new information and the existing mental contexts.

We can't overstress the fact that man has been programmed to completely underestimate his potential and the complexity and intelligence of his dimensions of existence (internally). Physics could release this limitation with a proper recognition of quantum physics, chaos theory and fractals. These will lead to the establishment that human consciousness is an entity in itself and has higher aspects (fractals), all of which interact holographically (but with dimensional and programmed restrictions), and these higher properties must at least, to some degree, be included in intelligence evaluation.

Some scientists, and other sources, are developing quantum physics towards a unified field of one type of basic particle, called a consciousness unit. If all particles are under continuous creation and are clearly regulated by programmes and/or codes, then we need a new definition for life. The meaning 'organic' will then be a sub-category. Thus on this basis everything is alive and has intelligence and we should respect this. Children should be taught reverence for all life (this can be defaulted to only our recognised life forms, since including the rest would involve a much more advanced viewpoint on creation).

Furthermore, another stumbling block to the problem of evaluating modes of intelligence is that science and the development of knowledge on this planet, generally, does not yet recognise past lives or higher-sensory perception. We have no choice but to ignore these suppressive restrictions if we are to honestly evaluate and theorise as to sources of intelligence. Are we so naive as to think a 'Mozart' began his life on Earth with a clean/blank slate (just genetic inheritance)? Moreover, a number of scientists have established positive evidence (but suppressed) for the tenability of past lives and therefore continuance of life (which has been proved countless times in other fields). Special abilities such as these cannot be attributed to existing (current life) structures or learning from scratch in this life, or genetically acquired attributes.

In terms of function and structure it means that structure would contain programmes or instinct imprints, and genetic information. Function would be the questionable item as to whether it (function) begins with a blank state. With our above argument (Mozart example) we say that function brings in already acquired characteristics into this life. Function is the input consciousness, which has energy patterns within its energy spectrum, of which the latter consists of frequencies of higher rates (than the material level) and that they are essentially scalar waves (not presently detectable by scientific instruments).

If some intelligent forms are contextual, that is, acquired by interacting with the environment, with external data that is sorted and associated, then some internal medium is being moulded or imprinted. Thus function or consciousness instantly takes on (is moulded by) the impressions/patterns of its structures which may have been gradually built up. We could say that the source of function is the awareness unit which can be regarded as a structureless medium in itself but that it will be bringing into its life the archetypes (explained earlier), plus impressions from prior (to this life) learning experience.

A being free from compulsive structural impediments, neurosis, with an ability to understand itself, its personal intelligence, would have an awareness of being aware, recognising they possess higher aspects of themselves (in a fractal system, that is, a spirituality, soul, etc.). This would be the primary and dominant form of intelligence---this would include higher-sensory perception (a perception of higher frequencies). It is an extension of the normal (or subnormal) range of detectable frequencies by humans. Pathetic denial of this higher sensory intelligence occurs because of several reasons: 1) religion associates it with the devil and black magic, 2) education creates a fear and insecurity of the unknown which deflates the ego of the arrogant intellect, 3) a failure of science to recognise it owing to a refusal to understand the nature of true unity and resonance---we may find that all learning (by the creative awareness) is resonance. However, almost amusingly if it wasn't so ridiculous, all the above are manipulations to conform to an agenda of restricted knowledge and understanding of evolution and the universe. This non-recognition of higher sensory perception is a deplorable omission but nevertheless is a key factor in arresting the development of a civilisation. Higher sensory perception needs to be recognised to be part of the evolutionary and ascension scale of humanity's progress.

Regarding the state of affairs on this planet, one could say that function is deteriorating into structure. One might see that this is like saying the information from the nonlinear, internal quality or function is focussed on less, and the external interaction of separated parts is more dominant. More and more we are evaluating life on a quantitative basis---this is a certain deviation from an ideal and what should be an ever-ascending evolution. It will result in certain demise of the civilisation. Function is creating so much structure and relegating responsibility to structure, the latter begins to 'mould' the function and take control. Only the unity aspect along with function, has any true existence. However, inherent within function some of those finer 'structures' which were brought in at birth, will be actual structures in the fractal level 'above', which we identify as the soul level---and so on to higher fractal strata. This will go back in fractal levels to the final condition of a theoretical blank slate of no structure (see Figure 2). This would mean that the theoretical native state is entirely qualitative---operates on whole quantum states. It is singular and thus has no quantity or 'external' properties but brings in nonlinearly the internal dimensions.

Note that we have been viewing 'quantitative' mainly in a linear sense. If we extend the 'quantitative' into nonlinearity and inner space, that is, internally, this quantitative condition will simulate the 'qualitative'. If we imagine a company organisation and consider firstly the groundfloor workers in isolation, then we are demonstrating quantity. But if we include the managers, executives, and president hidden behind the groundfloor workers we have introduced internal nonlinearity and have simulated quality more, but nevertheless, the unity of the true qualitative state is necessary to link together, unify and organise the 'individuals' (into whole states of energy provided by function). With our present computers these internal levels (managers, executives, etc.) would fuse together from the functional and qualitative point of view, that is, they couldn't be handled.

So where do we draw the line between quality and quantity? It depends on how 'local' is the region chosen; in other words, it depends on limitations. The qualitative and functional aspect puts the order into the parts. If one isolates a biological cell one could say that the quantum state (unity) of the whole cell is acting to some degree in a qualitative manner over its particles. But in the context of the organ, a higher level of control, the cell relegates its control to this higher structure (note the dependency on context). Man, in his restricted 3D, is function over his 3D life and environment but some of this qualitative state is overridden by his next higher fractal level of consciousness (see Figure 2 and articles on fractals). Thus again we see the contextual gradient is fundamental to existence---this also clarifies the subjective/objective relationship puzzle.

In effect, a single whole (source, God) has least limitations and maximum 'quality', but as we increase the fragmentation of the One---that is, forming a fractal system---limitations increase to the degree there are separate parts (one part doesn't know another part---except nonlinearly through the whole (via inner/higher space)). The general principle is that the smaller parts follow the patterns dictated by the larger parts on a contextual gradient back to the whole. But the smaller parts can have freedom within the fractal restrictions.

From the ultimate intelligence point of view one knows to the degree of (being) the One whole or to the degree the parts are brought together and integrated into wholeness.

There is another aspect of intelligence applicable to more advanced civilisations but nevertheless a feature more common than one might suppose in our society. Because we emphasise objectivity, physical senses, material reality, so much on this planet we do not recognise two paths to achieve a goal---two types of intelligence? That extra talent or genius---is the qualitative state of integration/connectivity, bringing about the perception of end results and allowing parts to align to achieve goals. The target or end result could be almost anything: geographic, any achievement, a skillful movement, events which lead to a desired conclusion. Whether we know it or not, two variables, two factors interacting are involved in most tasks. These are 1) operating via the parts (structural and quantitative), and 2) operating via the whole, or single quantum states (qualitative and is a functional aspect).

A geographic example would be the intention to get from, say, X to Y. The normal route would be by breaking down the whole into parts---looking at the steps leading to the target and applying deliberate action to handle these steps. How could it be done any other way? It could, and possibly animals use this ability. We all know of the animals which find their way to a location without knowledge of the route. If the animal is, say, 100 miles from home and mentally envisaged being at home, a frequency pattern is activated corresponding to the home location. Any two or more resonating frequencies pull together. Thus the pattern in the mind of the animal now resonates with the actual locality of its home. It will feel a pull in that direction.

Thus we see that achieving a goal on this basis is governed by the target focus or end result, causing the intermediate parts to align automatically. A skillful movement operates precisely this way. There is never attention and individual control of the parts in high skills. We see that the power of thought for a particular achievement can have some effect on the choice of steps leading to that result. In general, man mainly focusses on action along the path to the goal, except in activities such as skills (see articles on skills). There isn't the space to cover this aspect in any more detail.

On the basis of the established fractal nature of our existence (also the holographic nature of life---not yet established by scientific proof) and knowledge from other sources, we can quite positively arrive at the fact that consciousness is not only an entity in its own right but has higher aspects of itself, in a similar way to a twig having higher aspects of itself in the branch to which it is attached, and the same for the next branch---all the way to the tree trunk, the source.

Briefly, the experience of all these levels will be contextual---see Figure 2. At our level (3D), we have structure (as we have described) and function; the qualitative, of which we considered it temporarily as a blank slate. However, this fractal level-1 function will contain finer structures in a higher-dimensional format and of higher frequencies---some of this can be manifested in structure, say, by great music. Now at the next level, fractal level-2, this level-1 function of finer structures will, at level-2, be coarser structures, such as more solid or environmental. And at level-2 we again have a function carrying higher frequencies of the next level, fractal level-3, and so on, all the way back to the source. In the diagram, inner and higher space is from low to high. This is also the 'within' as referred to by Christ. Entity functions A, B and C, etc. are basically one whole from a higher-dimensional viewpoint but are split up as shown via the fractal laws (not fully shown) and similar to white light being split up by means of a prism into a spectrum of separate colours. One can see the vast potential intelligence of the human being (A). However, A is largely disconnected from B, C, as per the current state of man today, etc.

Basic or universal intelligence of creation itself is demonstrated by the fractal and ordered nature of the universe. A fractal system goes from low order (e.g., twigs) to higher order (branches, trunk). All other forms of intelligence are subsets of nature's or the universe's ordered structure of dimensions for the evolution of species. The physics of this system of orders (organisation within organisation) means all observing entities (scientific instruments, life, or even any energy) experience an environment based on their reality or context. If there is an interaction with a higher order, the observing wave patterns will quantum reduce the greater order or coherent state to their own level. Science unwittingly, in particular, in experimental methodology, collapses the wave function of the higher order to the lower level---similar to the idea of analysing unity (a higher truth) and breaking it into parts, reducing it to a lower level of truth.

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